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GET $30 OFF Your First Harmonic Egg Session NOW!

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The Healing Power of Energy Medicine is Now in Madison!

Heal Your Mind, Body, & Soul in The Harmonic Egg®!

Relax back in a zero gravity chair while EGGsperiencing a feeling of weightlessness. Gently drift away in this energy healing resonance chamber as you are surrounded by...


Soothing Sounds         Lights         Frequencies     

Vibrations         Sacred Geometry


...and sink into deep relaxation and inner peace as the Egg helps to RESET your body's autonomic nervous system & bring it back into harmony & balance

Find RELIEF from Trauma, Stress, Anxiety, Pain & more!

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The future of medicine will be frequency (energy) medicine.

Albert Einstein

As Seen On

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What Is The Harmonic Egg® ?

Discover How You Can Awaken to Your Own Healing Potential

The Harmonic Egg® is an energy healing resonance chamber that combines the science of BioResonance with the ancient wisdom of Sacred Geometry to assist in removing energy blockages in the body. It works at the cellular level to help clear & release stored physical/emotional pain & trauma. This integrative energy therapy utilizes light, color, sound, frequency, and vibration to activate the body’s natural ability to heal and restore itself to wholeness.


Watch the Video to learn more about how to activate your body's natural healing abilities & how others are having great success through their sessions with The Harmonic Egg®.

Watch the Video

The Harmonic Egg® Testimonials

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The Harmonic Egg experience is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It’s really helped me peel back the layers of the onion (so to speak) on my healing journey, let go, and surrender. I highly recommend it! This is what happens when technology meets ancient wisdom, and it is the future of healing on a multitude of levels. Don’t walk, run to try it for yourself!

Meredith Barry

Benefits of The Harmonic Egg®

Reduce Pain &  Inflammation

Improve Sleep

Alleviate Stress & Anxiety

Elevate Energy Levels

Detoxify the Body

Support Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Enhance Your Immune System

Build Self Esteem & Confidence

 What Doctors are Saying About The Harmonic Egg®

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My patients are having positive experiences with the Egg. They frequently report feeling relaxed and energized while in it, and often feel immediate relief from pain and other chronic issues, both during their time in the Egg as well as over a period of time afterwards. I had one patient who was struggling with chronic Lyme and co-infections, and was seriously considering reducing everything in her life, including her career and the amount of movement she did.

I recommended the Harmonic Egg as part of an integrative treatment protocol. When I saw her recently for an unrelated issue, she told me that she's starting a new career and a new exercise program. 'Now, I'm not just surviving. I'm actually thriving, and growing, and changing, and adding things to my life, she declared. Which was a near miraculous turnaround for someone who was chronically sick and whose life was falling apart. That was probably the most dramatic change l've seen.

Dr. Dana Anglud

Osteopathic Physician

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What Can The Harmonic Egg® Do For You?

The Harmonic Egg  is designed to help restore your autonomic nervous system back into balance. The result leaves you feeling calmer, more alert, relaxed & rejuvenated. 


Your autonomic nervous system can become out of balance overtime due to stresses of the world we live in today. This can disrupt your hormonal balance,  cause digestion issues, make it harder for you to sleep at night, & wreak all sorts of havoc on your body's overall wellbeing. 

Image by Michael Dam

Reset Your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

The ANS is a part of the nervous system that regulates key involuntary functions of the body, that are not consciously directed, such as breathing, heartbeat, circulation and blood flow, glands and digestive processes. The ANS has two divisions: the sympathetic nervous system, which accelerates the heart rate, constricts blood vessels, and raises blood pressure (the fight-or-flight response) and the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and aids in rest and the digestive processes of the body (the rest and restore response). Stress severely impacts the ANS. Long term stress can eventually equate to dis-ease developing in the body.

When your ANS comes into alignment and your body is again functioning optimally, your immune system will kick in & your detoxification pathways will be clear. This is when your body will begin to detox itself from harmful toxins that have been stored in your tissues. Diseases and physical ailments you have had for a very long time may be resolved. You may also notice you actually feel more physically fit and begin losing weight as your body balances out naturally.

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The Harmonic Egg® Transformation

Image by Patrick Malleret
Image by Olli Kilpi

The Harmonic Egg Melts Away Your Stress & Tension

What has been created is an Energy Healing resonant chamber for deep relaxation and de-stressing the body. We use frequencies, vibration, sound and light waves to bring the body back into balance from a world filled with chaos. Everyone has stress and trauma in their lives. Most visits to the doctor can be traced back to stress or trauma. It's an epidemic. Never before have we had so much stress: the environment, politics, the economy, families, children, jobs and the list goes on and on.  The Harmonic Egg experience is a restorative emotional and physical response to light & sounds promoting a sense of internal balance and well-being.

Why Sound & Light Healing?

Sound and light healing is not new. Its roots date back to more than 40,000 years ago with the Aboriginal people in Australia. They are most known for the use of the Didgeridoo to influence the health of bones and muscles, along with influencing energy to move and break up stuck emotions. The root cause of most dis-ease is stress. Stress is the only cause we truly acknowledge, but emotional trauma and stuck energy are very real.  Modern day Quantum Physics is proving that we are sound (vibrational) and light (bio-photon) beings and our lives began with an egg.  So why not heal with sound and light in an egg?  

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The Science of BioResonance

Bioresonance is based on the concept and observation that all living organisms and their components, the cells, tissues and organs, emit measurable electromagnetic waves.  By working with different tissues and organs under different pathological conditions it has been shown that each disease state elicits its own signature resonance frequency compared to the healthy ones.


The Harmonic Egg offers deep relaxation for the body to reboot / reset. Often times the body is energetically burdened with so much trauma and chaos it can’t get back to homeostasis (balance). Sitting in a resonant environment can help to sync the body’s cells up with a higher amplitude, more powerful energy healing frequency. This phenomenon is known as Entrainment, which then leads to a state of resonance when the cellular frequencies of the body resonate in sync with the healing frequencies being generated within The Harmonic Egg. This allows the cells to reset and re-balance & encourages natural healing. When the body is in balance and relaxed, it knows how to heal.




Come Eggsperience the Bliss!

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Schedule your session today and remember what it's like to feel good in your body again!

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The Harmonic Egg experience is a restorative emotional & physical response to light & sounds promoting a sense of internal balance & well-being.

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How Does Resonance Chamber Energy Healing Work?

Any bodily disease vibrates at a specific frequency within our cells, making those cells also vibrate at that same diseased frequency. Harmonic Egg technology counters that frequency with an exact opposite frequency, which is the frequency of health. By countering a diseased frequency with its opposite healthy frequency the diseased frequency is neutralized. Now your cell is in a balanced state and healing can occur.

Our cells have memory and store pain (bio-energetic cellular memory). They store physical and emotional pain that has occurred throughout our lives going as far back as the womb. As you may already know, emotional pain can be one of the most challenging pains to deal with and eliminate.  Emotional pain can keep us stuck and prevent us from reaching our true potential, and eventually create disease in our body.  The Harmonic Egg can help bring more awareness & clarity regarding our stored emotional pain, allowing us to break free from its grip & live a life filled with more ease & happiness.

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Dr. Wanda J. Beninghaus
Functional Medicine

"As a medical doctor, I highly recommend this form of natural healing for anyone who wants to have more energy and zest for life. Also, anyone with any chronic condition can experience positive benefits from this safe and effective form of energy healing. Energy healing is the medicine of our time.”

How to Prepare for Your Egg Session?

You can come dressed comfortably, without having partaken in any other energy healing or energy wellness sessions by any other practitioners. This allows you to fully integrate your sessions before you come and try any protocols with us. 


It is also highly recommended to drink plenty of water & stay well hydrated for the days leading up to your session.

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What to Eggspect From Your Session?

Upon arrival, we will get a holistic overview of your current health and dive into your wellness goals. Once we have gained a deeper understanding of your current state, we will work with you to set & hold your intention for your session.

From there we are able to tailor your session for your optimal healing. You will then be placed into the egg, where you will be reclined into a zero gravity chair at your comfort level. You can then relax blissfully into your 40 minute session of music followed by 10 minutes of silence. You will gently be greeted once your session is complete with water & electrolytes to help you fully hydrate as your body begins the detoxification process.

What Happens After Your Session?

After your session, hydration is key along with refraining from any heavy physical activity & exercise within the first 48 hours. We also recommend avoiding excessive caffeine, alcohol, or drug use. Your session integration time is anywhere from 5-7 days so it is best to avoid other energy healing & wellness modalities.


We are so grateful for your interest in The Holistic Healing Center. We cannot wait to meet you & talk to you more about your health & wellness goals. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Image by Candice Picard

The Harmonic Egg® & Sacred Geometry

The design of the Harmonic Egg uses mathematics of 3, 6, & 9. Tesla believed that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 had extreme importance. The Harmonic Egg is designed with this in mind.

A dodecahedron outside (that’s 12 sides and in numerology a 3, 1+2=3).

A hexagon platform (6 sides) where the zero-gravity chair is located.

360 degrees of healing inside the egg shape (in numerology that’s a 9, 3+6+0=9).

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"If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.”

Nikola Tesla
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Build Your Nest & Hatch Into the New You!

Prior to Harmonic Egg technology, you could go to counseling, take medications, or use a myriad of different modalities to attempt to get rid of your emotional pain. However, most approaches do little to address more than just the mind (which is finite, limited & keeps you stuck). 

We are not negating the benefits of the other therapies as they are necessary for many people. However, with the Harmonic Egg you begin tapping into the infinite (spiritual) energetic forces that govern life & you can transform the energy frequency of your cells. It’s not uncommon to release loads of accumulated emotional pain & start to reprogram your cellular memory in your very first session. 

If your desire is to begin balancing your cells and releasing physical and emotional pain quickly, then the Harmonic Egg is the ideal place for you to build your nest & hatch into the new you!

The Harmonic Egg®

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Harmonic Egg?

The Harmonic Egg is an energetic resonance chamber that uses light, sound, frequency, vibration and Sacred Geometry. This can create more balance on a physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual level and promote well-being. The body's self-healing ability is stimulated & activated as the body is able to relax into a very deep meditative state.

How do I best prepare for a session?

We recommend not to undergo any other form of energetic work for 2-3 days prior to and 5 -7 days after the scheduled session. Other forms of energetic work could be Acupuncture, Reiki, Massage, Rolfing, Chiropractic, etc. Every form of therapy needs time to integrate. It's a good idea to increase your water intake for a few days after your session as your body will detox. The extra water is needed to flush out the toxins. We recommend drinking 2 to 3 liters of water daily for 5 - 7 days after the session. If possible, you should also drink electrolytes during this period. You can obtain these from us.

What clothes do I wear during my session?

Wear comfortable clothing, preferably made of natural materials, as synthetic clothing partly blocks the energy flow. Jewelery and shoes are removed for the session. We also ask that you turn off the phone so that you cannot be disturbed. We provide comfortable blankets to keep you fully relaxed, warm and comfortable during your session.

How long does a session last?

Each session lasts 50 minutes. There is music for 40 minutes and then 10 minutes of light and silence. This silence helps you better integrate the music and light. The total session lasts approximately 75 minutes, so we can have a chat before and after the session.

What can I expect to feel after my session in the Harmonic Egg?

Usually people feel very relaxed after their Harmonic Egg session and have a great night's sleep. Some people tell us that they feel energized and really focused after their sessions. It's different for everyone. A session needs 5 - 7 days to integrate, so it can sometimes take a little longer before you feel anything. After a session you are detoxing for 5-7 days, so we recommend that you eat healthy, drink 2 to 3 liters of water (with electrolytes) per day and rest.

Why should I drink water with electrolytes after my session?

During the detoxification process you lose water and minerals in your body, in addition to toxins. Not drinking enough water can dehydrate your body. If you only drink water without electrolytes, you will replenish your water, but your body may feel sore and you may experience cramps at times. Some people may notice that they are urinating excessively, which is a possible sign that they are not absorbing the water they are drinking. Electrolytes are minerals that help transport blood that carries oxygen to your cells. If you don't replenish your electrolytes, your body has less ability to move your blood and carry oxygen to the cells.

I do other energetic work in the same week as my session in the Harmonic Egg. Should I reschedule my appointment?

To fully integrate any energy work, it is highly recommended not to undergo any other energetic therapies 2-3 days before your session and 5-7 days after your session. To respect the energy healing or bodywork you may have already received, we recommend scheduling your Harmonic Egg session at a time when you are not having any other energy/body work done.

How many sessions do I need?

Everyone is different, so it really depends on the individual. Please discuss this with your facilitator after the session. Most people need 3-10 sessions to achieve good results. We have Membership options available that make sessions more affordable. After you have reached the desired health level, it is recommended to schedule 'maintenance' sessions.

What is Energy Healing?

Disturbed energy patterns in the body can be changed and can thus improve the vitality of organs, cells and psyche. It can balance the autonomic nervous system, detoxify the body, reduce inflammation, increase circulation and clear trauma at the cellular level. The resonant frequency used by the Harmonic Egg has the ability to sense your body's vibration and any imbalance. That imbalance can be harmonized with the exact opposite frequency.

Why is a Harmonic Egg session more effective than other methods?

The Harmonic Egg is designed as a sacred geometric chamber that uses resonant frequency sound and light therapy to move and/or redirect blocked energy. • It is made of natural wood to enhance the resonance in the room. • The emotional and physical state of the facilitator has no influence on the results. Why is this important? Because people like Reiki practitioners or massage therapists can bring negative energy from their day into a session. And some of that negative energy can be absorbed by their clients. This will not happen with the Harmonic Egg. • The Harmonic Egg is not software controlled and does not contain Bluetooth or wireless technologies. The Harmonic Egg is completely natural and safe.

Who is the Harmonic Egg for?

The Harmonic Egg is for everyone, from young (baby) to old, there are really no exceptions. Animals can also enter the Egg from a distance. Even plants or trees that need help can be placed remotely with their photo in the Harmonic Egg. Your house or property sometimes needs healing and 'cleansing' energy to restore the energetic field. This is also possible, remotely, with the Harmonic Egg.

Why is the Harmonic Egg unique?

There are many reasons for this: • The Harmonic Egg is made of wood. The wood is specially chosen based on its vibration frequency and availability. Different woods have different properties, and their energies combine and enhance the integrity of the Egg. • The wooden structure is double laminated, especially for resonance. Musical instruments, such as a guitar or violin, are made to amplify the notes being played. The Harmonic Egg is designed with resonance in mind, just like a musical instrument or concert hall. The design of the Harmonic Egg determines which music harmonizes in the Harmonic Egg (not all music works), and therefore which tones are good for the body. These music frequencies combine with the light, color and gentle vibration, creating a relaxing environment for the body to let go and promote homeostasis. • There is no plastic in the Harmonic Egg construction. The lights are mercury-free LEDs, and the Harmonic Egg contains no toxic substances that could endanger the health of the client. There are very low EMFs in the Harmonic Egg, it does not disrupt the energy field with bluetooth, wifi, or other wireless transmissions. • Each session is unique. The extensive combinations of music selections and colors create hundreds of variations, providing creative solutions for each individual client, every time.

Why is the choice of music so important?

It has long been known that music has therapeutic properties. In several ancient wisdom traditions, music was and is used for healing. Many researchers, including Kay Gardner, author of The Inner Landscape, have determined that: - Piano can be used to balance the nervous system. - Drumming can strengthen the immune system and is very effective for Parkinson's, MS, processing emotional trauma, stress and pain reduction etc. - Whistle can be used for anger issues, gout, sciatica, insomnia and depression. - Bells can balance the heart chakra. Bells can also be used for high blood pressure, asthma, apnea, heart and lung problems, breast cancer, allergies, fear of intimacy, low vital energy, adrenal fatigue and re-balancing and grounding your energy centers. - Harp can be used for depression, pain and stress relief, calming the nervous system and relieving symptoms of ADD/ADHD. - Violin can be used for tumors and balances the heart and crown chakra. - Nature sounds can help reduce stress hormones, support DNA repair. Some of the music used in the Harmonic Egg® was created and produced exclusively for use in this device.

What is the difference or similarity between the Harmonic Egg® and a flotation tank?

There's a slight similarity in that they're both confined space experiences that are impressive, but that's about it. The float tanks use water and are not cleaned after every customer. They are filtered and do contain a lot of salt; however, they are not rid of the VIBRATION of the toxins in the water. We know from the work of Dr. Emoto with water absorbing water vibrations of toxins. For example, if you filter out the heavy metals, the water will still retain the vibration of the metals in the water. To clean the vibrations from the toxins in the water after every customer, a special process would have to be followed and it is highly unlikely that this is performed by the owners of the float tanks. The Harmonic Egg® is made of wood and contains no energy or energetic information, such as water. The geometric shape of the egg gives it the ability to be energetically "self-cleaning". There are no 90-degree angles where energy can accumulate. After each session the egg is cleaned by us with music, color, scent and conscious intention. There is a lot of information from Victor Schauberger about the special properties of the egg shape, and vibrations. The egg is the most powerful form in the universe.

What if I have claustrophobia?

If you have claustrophobia or don't like being in a closed space, we can leave the door of the Harmonic Egg slightly open, as you prefer. You will still receive the wonderful benefits from it. If you decide to close the door and change your mind afterwards, there is a doorbell in the right side pocket of the seat. Ring the bell and we'll be right there to open the door. The purpose of the Harmonic Egg is to provide relaxation, so we do everything we can to make it that way.

Can I receive discounted sessions? 

Yes we do offer Membership packages and we also have a Referral Program. For example, every 1 new paying customer that you refer, you get a $50 promo code (that never expires). This code can be applied to towards any future session/service. This promo code cannot be applied towards your monthly membership autopayment, however, you can apply this towards additional sessions/services that you book. With a basic membership, you save $30 and receive one session per month. Each additional session you book you save $30 per session. There are also other discounts available on our website under Memberships.

Is there an age limit or any contraindications?

No. It is non – invasive making it safe for anyone. Infants as young as 8 weeks have experienced the Harmonic Egg and as well as pregnant women. It is also safe for anyone who has metal hardware or pacemakers.

Do you accept medical insurance?

While we do not accept medical insurance, we do accept payments from your Health Saving Acounts (HSA) & Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). For additional discounts, check out our memebership options along with our Reward Points & Referral Program. You will receive this information after your first session.

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Are You Ready to Eggsperience the BLISS!?

Click below to book your session and discover how The Harmonic Egg can help you!

Open By Appointment Only

(608) 585-8575

338 Junction Road, Madison, WI 53717

© 2024 by The Holistic Healing Center, LLC

The statements made or services provided through this website or by The Holistic Healing Center are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials regarding the technologies are voluntarily given and do not represent the opinions of The Holistic Healing Center. The services provided by The Holistic Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

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